Banks, taxes and insurance

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Your financial affairs:

Banks, taxes and insurance - you already have enough to deal with in your old home country. And now you have to organize this "annoying stuff" all over again in Sicily and in Italian?

You don't have to! We can take care of almost all the organization for you. Not just because we speak Italian, but because this "annoying stuff" is our bread and butter.



If you are an EU citizen, you would theoretically not need a bank account in Sicily. Unfortunately, the practice is still different. This is partly due to the way taxes are paid in Italy (see below).

Our help is generally conservative - even if it is a little more expensive. We therefore prefer to recommend a current account with a large bank such as Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit.

Of course, we will support you with all banking matters and will also come with you if you wish.



To buy a property in Sicily, you first need a tax number (codice fiscale). When you buy a property, you pay a land transfer tax and then every six months the property tax and a municipal tax, which is used to finance the garbage collection, for example. If you rent out your property, you will of course also have to pay income tax.

As you can see, there is no way around a tax consultant. We will be happy to put you in touch with one and can even come with you if you wish.



You do not need to take out insurance for your property. However, we recommend liability insurance for damage caused by your property.

If you rent out your property, we also recommend liability insurance for damage that harm your tenants in your home.

Fortunately, we offer a reputable insurance broker in our network.

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Both sources of information are completely free of charge and you can of course "switch them off" at any time.