Your everyday life in Sicily

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Everyday life in Sicily without stress:

Have you fulfilled your dream and are now living in Sicily? Are there just a few hiccups in your everyday life?

Where do I buy clothes? How do I get around by bus and train? Who repairs my car? And haven't you always wanted to invite the neighbors to a garden party?

Fortunately, most Sicilians are very helpful, hospitable and, above all, tolerant of mistakes. But of course you still want to make "bella figura". We will be happy to support you in this.

Learn Italian

Learn Italian

Let's start with the hardest nut to crack: in order to make "bella figura" in Sicilian everyday life, you will of course have to learn Italian.

Now for the good news: our family owns the best language school in Sicily - the Solemar Academy in Cefalù.

Have you had enough schools in your life? We understand that very well. Of course, there are many other ways to learn Italian. We will be happy to help you.



The best greengrocer, the supermarket with the largest selection, the cheapest petrol station - you probably have all these things under control.

We are always happy to help you with more complex purchases such as made-to-measure furniture, clothing for special occasions or a beautiful new e-bike and will even come with you if you wish.

Fashion advice

Fashion advice

Do you value fashion and are you looking for the "hip" stores - especially in Palermo? Are you not really into fashion, but want to make "bella figura" for certain occasions?

No problem - after all, we are in Italy and some of our colleagues literally have an innate talent for this topic. They will be happy to give you tips and even come with you if you wish.

Furniture restoration

Furniture restoration

Do you love old furniture and perhaps even have some in your home from the previous owner? Unfortunately, they are just pretty "run down"?

Stop - don't throw them away. We even have a small restoration workshop in our family. We are of course happy to arrange the restoration of larger pieces of furniture.

Interior design

Interior design

Do you value a tasteful interior design for your living space, but don't have the time or inclination to take care of it?

We are also happy to help here and can put you in touch with local furniture makers, decorators and, if required, artists.

Party service

Party service

Has your dream come true and have you recently moved into your house or apartment in Sicily?

Then the neighbors are naturally quite curious about you. This is the perfect moment for a housewarming party.

We are happy to help you with the invitations, organize the catering and are also present at the celebration.



The tap is leaking, the socket is wobbly and the wheel has a flat tire? Our craftsmen often solve small everyday problems quickly and at surprisingly low prices.

We are happy to arrange them for you and of course help with communication.



Staying healthy is particularly easy in Sicily: walks by the sea, a Mediterranean diet and a long nap.

But that doesn't protect you from accidents or toothache. Fortunately, the healthcare system in Sicily is better than its reputation - at least for private payers.

We have a broad network of doctors, particularly in the Palermo area. We are happy to put you in touch with them and can also come with you on request.



If there's one thing Sicily has no shortage of, it's cars. That's why you'll find dealers and garages everywhere that work at surprisingly reasonable prices.

We will be happy to recommend a good workshop and will also come with you on request.

Bus and train

Bus and train

Palermo and Catania are easily accessible by regional trains from many suburbs.

Contrary to all clichés, the trains are punctual, clean and cheap. The website for buying tickets and the ticket machines at the stations "speak" English.

If you want to live without a car, you should ideally look for a house near a train station. We will be happy to help you with your search.



In Sicily, the bicycle is seen more as a piece of sports equipment and less as an everyday means of transportation. In contrast to this, some of our colleagues, cycle to the office.

They use a special mix of city bike and mountain bike that is even made in Sicily.

Our colleagues will be happy to advise you.

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No, you don't need carrier pigeons to get news from Sicily.

Today there are Newsletters and Facebook.

Both sources of information are completely free of charge and you can of course "switch them off" at any time.